WindowsWindows & entrance doorsets are intrinsic to the overall look of any building. Whatever you choose, it is important that the style is in keeping with the building and also takes into consideration the performance requirements (such as thermal efficiency and weather performance characteristics).

Regulatory Standards

Windows and entrance doorsets are covered by a harmonised standard and hence are eligible (and wherever appropriate, which is the vast majority of cases) under the requirements of the Construction Products Regulations should be CE Marked.

Building Regulations cover all aspects of a building’s design to ensure compliance with the Building Act 1984. These Regulations are divided into Parts A to P, with corresponding Approved Documents providing guidance on how to meet the requirements of that Part. Compliance with the Approved Documents is not strictly mandatory, although if you divert away from the requirements, you have to prove how you meet the requirements of the Regulations.

The Approved Documents that are relevant to windows & entrance doorsets include B (Fire safety), F (Ventilation), L (Conservation of fuel & power), M (Access for the disabled) and N (Glazing – safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning).

The main British Standard for timber windows is BS 644, “Timber windows – Factory assembled windows of various types – Specification” and for doorsets is PAS 23, “General performance requirements for door assemblies”. Both these Standards refer to a number of other Standards and Codes of Practice.

Service Life Expectations

Timber windows have benefitted from a massive increase in consumer confidence in recent years.  The huge improvements in design, manufacture and performance means that timber is now widely recognised as the most fashionable, versatile and environmentally friendly choice for the home owner, Recent evidence from the Wood Window Alliance indicates that timber windows also have the potential to add value to your property and can offer service life upwards of 60 years.

Useful links

For information on care, installation and specification of timber windows