What is ISO9001?

ISO 9001 is the world’s most widely recognized quality management (QM) standard. It identifies the steps involved in the running of a business and provides guidance on incorporating these steps in a formal quality management process. Covering the order process from the initial enquiry through the stages of manufacture and delivery, the standard outlines ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service. ISO 9001:2015 is the most recent version of the standard.

Why implement ISO 9001?

Management systems are essential in the running of any business, and ISO9001:2015 will help you describe, understand and communicate your company processes. This will focus staff, help you save money and meet customer requirements.

CE marking of construction products is becoming an obligation for many manufacturers.  One of the requirements for CE marking is the presence of a written Factory Production Control (FPC) system. Having an ISO 9001 system in place will satisfy this requirement.

Getting your ISO9001 system certificated can give access to a wider range of buyers. It will help meet the demands of major contractors and organisations spending public money, such as local authorities, government agencies, schools, and hospitals.

ISO9001Having a QM system in place is a requirement of many product certification schemes. If you are thinking of joining the BWF-CERTIFIRE Fire Door & Doorset Scheme as a licensed convertor or prime door manufacturer, you’ll need to implement and QM system, of which ISO 9001:2015 is an option.

What does ISO9001 involve for joinery manufacturers?

To meet the requirements of ISO 9001, it is necessary to set out the various stages involved in running the business, or more simply, the stages in the process to manufacture a particular product.  The basic steps are:
• Document the key steps involved in dealing with enquiries, orders, production and purchasing.
• Subdivide each step as the system is developed.
• Ensure that the steps include both the production process as well the administration process.
• Organise the recording of the paper work.
• Set up a Quality Manual.
• Establish a formal control for the process.
• Establish an internal audit process to check on progress and to identify any potential improvements in the production process.
• Identify responsible personnel to monitor the system

How can the BWF help?

The BWF has produced a completed a quality manual, produced for a fictitious joinery company (BWF Joinery Ltd), which provides a template for ISO9001 that can be adjusted to fit your company. The manual comes complete with guidance notes, a copy of the standard BS ISO9001:2015 and half a day’s, on-site, consultant’s assistance to answer your questions and help you get started.

The consultants we provide are experts in applying the requirements of ISO9001 to the joinery and woodworking industry. During the initial visit, our expert will cover the steps that you will need to take to complete the quality manual.


Further expert assistance can be requested on a half or full day basis. Some of the steps that you may need help with are the writing and assessing of your ISO9001 procedures, training to do internal auditing, and conducting a management review.

The BWF’s assistance package can take you up to the brink of ISO9001:2008 certification and we can recommend an ISO9001 certification provider if requested. Regular auditing is required to maintain your certification.

Companies undertaking their ISO9001 certification audits in conjunction with their BWF-CERTIFIRE audits are able to benefit from reduced audit costs.